EIVA is a NON profit association from Romania, created with the purpose of developing and implementing social, cultural, and educational projects in order to contribute to the development of social responsibility in the community where the association has been active for more than 8 years. Our association is involved in education and international cooperation, focusing on the issues and challenges of young people who do not benefit from equal chances. Moreover, we are involved in the promotion and education through volunteering projects for personal and professional development, social inclusion, and intercultural awareness since 2013 as coordinators, hosts, and sending organizations for European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+.
The EIVA team is formed of a group of people with relevant experience in the field of education, training, and non-formal education. Our expertise has encouraged us to develop solutions for the challenges of nowadays society through education. Together, we mediate intercultural learning opportunities for children that need to be integrated into the labor market, by enriching and straightening their skills.
We also develop activity campaigns in peer-to-peer education, and connect key actors to empower NGOs from an urban and rural areas. Our team members involved in the implementation of the organization’s projects has consistent experience in projects, implementing in the period 2014–2019 a number of five European volunteering projects (EVS, Erasmus+) involving 26 long-term volunteers, two short-term internship projects coordinated by LeoLagrange and implemented in Arad by EIVA with the participation of 12 French volunteers, a referral project with 1 volunteer sent to Lille France, and being sending partners for 4 organizations, sending 6 volunteers.
During all this time, the core team remained the same, adding new members along the way who have been trained and know the principles of the European Corps Programme. Solidarity Corps.

Eiva’s visions are to empower the communities that we are working with, overcoming inequality and poverty. We believe that solidarity acts are the tool which if promoted, would change the world through the power of a good example.
We strive to :
- Develop international cooperation projects that would build a network for further social implication
- Promote international exchanges opportunities, volunteering opportunities and internship mobilities among youths that do not know about the European facilities
- Develop humanitarian solidarity projects to act where is a need for action in affected communities
- Sustain entrepreneurship education and socio-personal projects for youths and interns that want to apply for their own project.
Our association strives to encourage
European partnerships that would:
straighten the power of the solidarity sec–
tor in overcoming European challenges
through cooperation
help the protection and inclusion of vulner–
able groups through anti mvarginalization
campaigns and projects
Defense the human rights through empathy
acts and involvement in the disadvantaged
Promote entrepreneurship education
Equality, as the piece of a fair society
Solidarity, is an example of how we treat others that are
in need
Dignity, as an example of respecting everyone, no matter
the class, race, gender, religion, or any other factors
Interculturality, as enriching new perspectives, visions,
concepts through multicultural experiences
Transparency, as ensuring clear, open, communication
through the partnerships
Education, as the first step into the development
of a community
Professionalism, as the key to succeed
EIVA’s main purpose is to develop solutions in order to foster progress in society through
education and the active participation of young people.
Developing educational projects targeting various
groups: children, youths and adults.
Initiating and implementing programs in favor of
youths through local, national, European, or inter–
national initiatives.
Promoting the cooperation and exchange of good
practices between civil society organizations at the
European and international levels.
Implementing voluntary programs at local and
international levels.
Offering learning opportunities for youth people,
youth workers, and adults interested in learning.
Implementing initiatives in order to increase
active participation and European awareness
among youngsters.
Fonix Norway
University of Ptuj, Slovenia
Erasmus+ program
School Centre for Inclusive Education
County Library AD Xenopol
“Henri Coanda” Technological High School of Auto Transport
Arad and the Technological College of Industry
Food Industry College
and more …

We implement activities in partnership with local, national or international
actors being focused on topics such as:
Learning through mobility actions
Developing/strengthening cooperation between organizations
from different EU countries
Human rights education
Intercultural education
Education through games and animation
(we coordinate a board games center in our office)
Peer-to-peer education has as a main target group the young people
Drugs consumption prevention
Organisational development and organizational management