Hello, I am Sude. I am 20. I have been studying at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and my department is English Language and Literature. In Ankara, I have two little students who teach English. I love doing fitness (I also worked at a gym when I was 18), traveling, drawing, going to art galleries and museums, taking photos and of course reading as a literature student ( Especially English literature sociology, psychology, and philosophy). I love to work with children, as well. I am included in this project because I both love traveling and working with children and this project is a mixture of them. Thus, I am here.
What were your motivations to come to Romania ?
The very first thing which motivates me to work with children is their pure and positive energy. When I first started to go to the schools and to work with them, I felt that it will be an unforgettable experience for me. As long as you give them love and affection, they always hug you and show their love towards you. We played great and funny games with children in OASA ( afterschool). In Special School, we cooperated with the teacher and tried to find games that improve special children’s imagination and skills. As for the Kindergarten, we started to work there a bit later but now the only school which we are continuing is Kindergarten, as the other schools are closed due to the summer vacation. In Kindergarten, we also play some games and while doing it we try to concentrate on English in order to help children improve their English vocabulary. We are also going to start to work with children in Library. I am really content with being included in this project.
I am also a travel addict. Here, I visited three cities which are Hunedoara, Oradea and Timisoara, for now. I have been impressed by them and I am also planning more trips to travel all around the country and abroad.”
What can you tell us about the Romanian language classes provided by the organization?
Romanian language classes provided by the organization are really useful for us in order to learn the daily language. We organize Romanian classes in the EIVA office. Roxana makes us practice speaking, vocabulary and translation. It is a sincere setting. She is good at teaching.
What can you tell us about the German language classes provided by the organization?
German language classes which are provided by the organization are really beneficial for me. I am really enthusiastic about learning German and this is a great opportunity for me. My German teacher is great. She always motivates me to speak and I can observe my improvement even till now. I really appreciate this opportunity. She is a great teacher.
About the activity :
“It’s a great experience for us and children. We selected interesting and educative topics at the same time and they were also interested in our workshops and they took part in them. We made them brainstorm and trigger them to think about highly important issues all around the world. They thought about the topics and shared their different opinions with us. This also made them more encouraged to remark their thoughts.”