Youth Circus in Ireland 2016

Project Description

YOUTH CIRCUS IN IRELAND 2016 project take place at the headquarters of the Galway Community Circus in St Joseph’s Community Centre, Shantalla – Galway, Ireland. The EVS placement will last 11 months from 8th September 2016 to 7th August 2017. Galway Community Circus is looking for three volunteers from Belgium, France and Romania. Ecole de Cirque de Bruxelles, Le Plus Petit Cirque du Monde and EIVA Association sent young, highly motivated circus students to Galway for an EVS placement in the field of art, culture and sport. The origin of this project lies in Galway Community Circus’ participation in the European youth circus network CARAVAN. Caravan’s objective is to promote circus practices in youth education throughout Europe and to favour their development, through concrete actions such as EVS.The project aims to promote solidarity, cultural diversity, active citizenship, healthy lifestyle through participation in circus activities and the personal and professional development of young people.We want to give young European circus students the opportunity to immerse themselves within Ireland’s famous culture and improve their English language skills while participating in activities they are passionate about and gaining valuable experience in an Irish community organisation.The volunteers are involved in the activities of Galway Community Circus who, through the knowledge and practice of circus arts and circus education, seek to develop young people’s ability to get involved in society, to express their creativity and to contribute to the development of tolerance and a common European citizenship.The preferred method for the planning and implementation of the activities is related to the non – formal education. The skills acquired by the volunteer will be certified through Youthpass and good practices achieved with the project will be shared in the context of organizations.The positive impact of the project on local, regional, national and international level would provide a stronger international cooperation between circus professionals and organisations in Europe, a greater awareness of circus as a tool of youth and community work and building confidence of young people in the field of performing arts to participate on international projects in future.

“Ştii că a venit vara în Irlanda când ploaia e mai caldă”

Ma numesc Cismaru Ramona si sunt voluntara in Irlanda, Galway, in cadrul programului EVS. 

Stagiul dureaza 11 luni si a inceput in luna septembrie 2016. Asociatia Galway Community Circus este cea care ma gazduieste si care se ocupa de activitatile mele in cadrul centrului. 
Cu peste 450 de membri, Galway Community Circus ofera cursuri de circ pentru persoane cu varsta cuprinsa intre 2 si 60 de ani. Este o organizatie cladita de catre comunitate si voluntari, care incurajeaza si sustine dezvoltarea personala a membrilor prin intermediul diverselor activitati ludice si pedagogice. 
Fiecare saptamana este diferita, strucura programului meu se imparte in 3 categorii: cursuri de circ, administratie si proiecte personale. 
Asist la cursuri, contribui in administrarea documentatiei, invat despre strangerea de fonduri, propun si dezvolt propriile proiecte (repararea materialelor, cursuri specializate, suporturi vizuale)
Programul EVS imi ofera posibilitatea de a-mi apofunda cunostiintele intr-un domeniu pe care il ador, in timp ce descopar si cunosc o alta cultura. 


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