Project Description and Details
Kaleidoscope project developed under the following framework of activities:
1. Educational activities with children and teens, with special needs in the Special School (CSEI);
2. Activities related to use of Board-games;
3. Educational activities with the Public Library of Arad.
The methodology to be used in the project is based on non formal education settings, and the promoters will use the game in order to produce competences and educational outcomes for volunteers and beneficiaries as well.
The visibility of the project and Erasmus + Program will have an important dimension in the project, having in mind the aim to foster the participation of Romanian youngsters in the European Solidarity Corps.
The project will create a learning setting for volunteers and beneficiaries of the activity (children and youths) as well as for working teams, direct beneficiaries from Arad and whole community.
Our local partners are: Biblioteca Judeteana Arad, Educational Centre for children with special needs, County Network for Inclusive Education, Elena Ghiba Birta College, Vis de Copil (A child dream) Foundation, Colegiul de Industrie Alimentara Arad, CJRAE.

Project promoters are following EVS youth organisations:
– EIVA Association – Romania
– Leo Lagrange Dijon – France